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firewall crashes when utorrent running


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i have a funny problem with my firewall, when utorrent is running

i'm sure it's not the firewall, because my computer is always running and so is the firewall and i never had any problems

now when i start utorrent everything is ok at first, speeds are fine...

but then after a few hours, speeds drop to a few bytes/s even though there are always a million seeders, and my firewall gives me an error message saying something about a memory error and the truevector service shuts down...

if i turn off the firewall, utorrent flies beyond 150k/sec...

it's getting annoying, i don't know how to fix, and i don't wanna keep my firewall off when running utorrent seeing the downloads sometimes take days...

help anyone??

(i have win xp, zone alarm free firewall, i'm using a router, and port forwarding)

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It suggests the firewall IS at fault when uT runs because uT makes extensive usage of the networking subsystem. Are you running with DHT enabled? There is a known problem with the nvidia "forceware" firewall when dealing with UDP packets causing it to bleed RAM.

I recognize truevector ... and search confirms ... ZoneAlarm is not known for being... useful in working with programs (It is either a hit-or-miss around here). What router are you behind? Does your network hardware setup look similar to my post? Since you have a router, truthfully you don't need a firewall... as incoming connections NOT specified to bypass it are automatically blocked.

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