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Download folder


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Yes, I know that it's impossible (now) to change download folder for new torrents. But I want receive download folder for existing torrents. This is needed for small monitoring utility. I can receive this information from resume.dat, but I also want know download percent for each file. I can combine both methods (WebUI and resume.dat), but this isn't clear solution (and very bad performance...).

And second question - does you document WebUI interface for external access? I found some APIs (PHP, .Net, etc.), but I don't understand - this is reverse enginering or using of some oficial documentation.

PS Sorry for my bad english (this is possible...) :)

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Like I said I don't think uT sends out current path. All you see is only the relative pathing for all your active torrents... irrespective if they are using the current directory or not (old torrent don't necessarily have the same path as newer torrents). I'm looking forward to the new WebUI in hopes it actually fills out more of the General tab information :)

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