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New uTorrent WebUI gadget


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I know there is already a Vista gadget out there for uTorrent but this one seems more slicker and has more features.


uTorrent gadget docked onto Windows Sidebar, showing four downloads and search box.


Gadget undocked onto windows Desktop with a wider more detailed view and showing total upload and download on bottom right corner.


Gadget Flyout shows more information about the torrent, to view flyout simply click on the torrent title. It also shows if torrent is fake, password, virus, poor quality and good to inform you about the torrent before you download it. Use the "Remove" to remove the torrent from uTorrent and "Remove Data" removes torrent from uTorrent and deletes the torrent data.


You could aslo upload a .torrent file to utorrent through this gadget or pass a .torrent URL to begin downloading that torrent.


uTorrent gadget settings is used to setup the gadget to work with uTorrent. In the first tab you will need to enter your WebUI URL or IP, port number, username and password. The second tab has some advanced features to customize the gadget.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually I'm looking at Adobe Air which is a cross-platform dev tool to implement the gadget, but it will work like a app rather then gadget but it will work in XP, Mac and Linux.

Currently I'm working on a different project with the WebUI. I will start a post on it soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uhm I need to inform that there is indeed, a SideBar for XP..I have it... It is from the Vista Ultimate package...And yes, gadgets supporting .NET Framework all work well..Gadgets referencing Vista specific API's do not, but this my change some after SP3..For the network API's..

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