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Wrong numbers in Brackets? (beta 1.8.8912)


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I believe that utorrent shows wrong numbers in the Seed/Peers columns, specificaly inside the brackets. Look at these pictures:


The Seed and Peers numbers in the columns of the selected torrent read:

0(3), 3(3) respectively.

At the same time the numbers in the Transfer tab are:

Seeds: 0 of 2 connected (3 in swarm)

Peers: 3 of 4 connected (2 in swarm)

As you can see the Peers numbers 3(3) do not match with the Peers numbers: 3 of 4 (2 in swarm)


I went to the Trackers tab but I still don't see any connection between the 3(3) of the Peer column and the specific Peer count of the DHT or the tracker.


I selected another active torrent and here is the very same problem:


In the columns I read: 21(169) and 43(443) (seeds and peers column respectively)

While in the Transfer tab I read:

Seeds: 21 of 152 connected (169 in swarm)

Peers: 43 of 460 connected (316 in swarm) (<--- where is 443???)

I, again, looked at the Trackers tab and here is what I saw:


As you can see 169 is the reported seeds by one of the trackers. But still I cannot find 443 anywhere!

I have reported this bug previously (while using a stable utorrent version) but I was told that no inconsistencies were noticed, even though I had uploaded some screenshots showing them.

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Not wrong. 1.8 changes the mechanics for registering peers. If you notice, as you start a torrent nothing starts @ Seeds. As peers connect they move from Peers to Seeds.

Peercounts are also off when you have DHT enabled as it allows "old" peers to propagate. And PEX allows unknown peers to be added to your cache.

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