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uploading problem


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Hey guys

First time post.

I have a wireless router (belkin g+) I had troubles downloading as it said I was not connectable, I have now fixed this by changing the pnup I think thats what it is anyway.

But now I have just finished downloading and it will not upload now, it just has the yellow triangle again at the bottom.

Any Ideas.


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Im downloading something that has a lot of leechers and seeds, its currently uploading and downloading, and got the green check mark.

Will let you know when done if it switches to not connected when im finished downloading .



I have finished downloading and it was ok for a bit and now it has went back to the yellow triangle again, and really slow upload speeds, there are tons of downloaders so it should be going at least 50kbs but am getting 9-10 kbs, why do i have the green check mark when downloading but as soon as it switches to uploading, it goes not conected, might be a problem, port forward shows green, ? ?? ? ?

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