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bit torrnet tracker: how to?


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can anyone tell me how to create bit torrent tracker on windows (i find bitcomet tracker) but i cant let him to work properly... i just need to seed one torrent with m friend ... so if can anyone hel me with this... i need this very very fast :( thx mans

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in fact you dont need even use FTP.... there are other ways to distribute a single pack of data.... burn the data on DVD and send it to him.her by regular mail... if thats what you want (in fact a lot of Instant Messaging programs (like ** coaf ** MSN or ICQ or Yahoo Messenger... allow you to send a large file to the other side)

don't mix it up with bit-torrent and it's pricipals....

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when i wanted to share a single torrent with my friend only, i completed the download closed it and left it for about an hour. openeed the torrent properties removed the tracker info and used my µTorrents inbuilt tracker. sent the torrent file to my friend got them to open it and add my ip as another tracker. worked perfect cause it allowed me to share my upload with them only.

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Yeah, BitTorrent does hash checking on the files, unlike FTP/HTTP, so you know your peer got the file you intended to send. I tried sending files over AIM before, and it got corrupted (several times). Personally, I didn't bother using the internal tracker feature when I created a torrent once before. I just left the tracker field blank and let DHT do the rest of work. It worked perfectly fine xD

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And Inf: setting up µTorrent's internal tracker is very easy. Turn it on, give someone your http://ip:port/announce

And you're done. tongue

Yes, i know, and have to agree with that, it is, indeed, very easy. I just kinda forgot about uT internal tracker at all (i still prefer BNBT, the uT internal tracker is kinda too basic for me, but thats my personal preference). And i do agree with the crappy/unstable connections thing. Ok, so may be there is a good point here.

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It was designed to be basic and simple, so you can do very simple things, like maybe distribute a torrent on a LAN, or send a file to a few friends, etc. It works perfectly for things like that. It's not trying to be a full-fledged tracker like Azureus' embedded tracker, or to replace real trackers.

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Yes, I was going to suggest the inbuilt tracker. Best idea in this case. :D

IMHO using bittorent to send something to just ONE leech is just plain stupid. FTP or HTTP would do just fine for that.

I disagree - when you have software like µT available. Sure, if you have to install a tracker like BNBT there are probably better solutions. But you need software installed to do it over FTP or HTTP too. µT is simple. You just download the executable and put your IP into the tracker field. (Oh, and enable the tracker in advanced settings. :)) It has the advantages of automatic SHA-1 checking as well. :)

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How's the security on the internal tracker? Unless you could setup for authentication, it might be better to use something like HFS (http://www.rejetto.com/sw/) which does not need to be installed, and allows for setup of secure login. Also allows usage of a virtual filesystem so you don't have to move any of your files to a specific location to give access. As for CRC, just sent the torrent file along with it, and have your friend us µTorrent do the checking for him.

And then their is always waste (http://waste.sourceforge.net) if you want it really secure.

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  • 2 years later...

You don't need a tracker to send files to your friend.

Here is what you can do:

1. Create a torrent file with your files, without using a tracker url.

2. Send it to your friend (or friends).

3. Start seeding your files, using the torrent file created on step 1.

4. Your friend starts downloading that torrent file you send him (remember that it has no tracker url).

The fifth step is what you want.

5. Your friend has to go to peers tab, right-click and select "Add peer". Then he has to enter yourip:port, and that's it. DONE.

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