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Port Fowarding freezes Internet and Torrent Program


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I use a Smart800 Huawei, and I fowarded the ports for increase my speeds. But after i did that my Pc freezes and my Torrent Programs too. I need a solution, because i have to reset the modem all the time and it is very boring.

PortWard works because the speed with that is better. What i need to do ?

Global Maximum number of connection: 150

Maximum number of connected peers per torrent: 100

Number of slots per torrent: 4

TCP half-open: 10 ( i did the TCP-SYS patch)

Enable DHT: ON

ADSL: 600kb download/ 160 upload

thanks for the help ! and sorry for poor english!

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It's obvious your router cannot handle the amount of connections BitTorrent requires. The only thing you can do is lower the amount of connections, or get the newest firmware for your router. Maximum number of connected peers per torrent is way too high, try setting it to 40, if your router still crashes, try 20. :) You could also disable DHT and see if that makes any difference...

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