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Max. upload never met


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I'm currently seeding 2 torrents. The problem is that my actual upload speed never reaches my max upload setting of 20kB/s, but always stays at 14kB/s at best. There's a third, finished torrent is in the list, too, but has been stopped by me. Funny thing is: if i start that one as well, it'll upload at 22kBps. Looks like a bug to me.

My settings:

max. upload: 20kBps

-only seeding: 22kBps

max down: unlimited

max. active torrents: 3

max active downloads: 2

upload slots per torrent: 2



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It ain't a bug, you can only upload so much to 2 people, especially when they're downloading from other people. :rolleyes:

You can't be serious. Are you telling me there's a hardcoded limit inside µtorrent? Azureus (yeah, yeah....) has no problem like that.

Oh. And don't roll your eyes at me like i'm some kind of idiot. Thank you.

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Neighbor: you've misunderstood Firon. He's saying that the other 2 people have probably saturated their download capacity, hence why you couldn't upload more data to them (assuming there are more seeds in the swarm). There is no hard-coded limit in µTorrent AFAIK, hell, some people with fat pipes have even uploaded well past 1 megabyte per second... :/

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Neighbor: you've misunderstood Firon. He's saying that the other 2 people have probably saturated their download capacity, hence why you couldn't upload more data to them (assuming there are more seeds in the swarm). There is no hard-coded limit in µTorrent AFAIK, hell, some people with fat pipes have even uploaded well past 1 megabyte per second... :/

But all the time? I can let it run all day long and never exceed 14kBps. That just doesn't seem right to me.

I forgot to mention that i got the "open more UL-slots if upload <90%" setting enabled as well. Currently i'm uploading to 3 users on each of those 2 torrents. But still no more than 14kBps. o_O

Hasn't anyone tried the settings i mentioned in my initial post in order to confirm what i reported? If someone can tell me that they can't reproduce it, i'll shut up right away. :)

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Similar problems here. I am currently collecting problems. One of my problems is that a torrent with superseed uploads only up to 99.9% to the other. Then you have to disable superseeding to create new 100% sources! Also, µtorrent does not connect to all available peers (see my other posts). And finally, uploadspeed isn't matched - nearly all the time. All this compared to Azureus with the same settings!

Just have a look to my other posts.

Best regards,


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1.) Yes, I think Ludde's aware of the 99.9% Super-Seeding problem since it's been mentioned plenty of times.

2.) µTorrent does not have to connect to all peers/seeds to get a good speed. Connecting to too many seeds/peers will just harm the warm if you can't deliver (upload to them) as well. :|

3.) Same problem as our friend Neighbor here. I'm still uncertain as to what is causing it...

But all the time? I can let it run all day long and never exceed 14kBps. That just doesn't seem right to me.


Maybe you're connected to 2 dial-up users, they won't ever reach your 20 kB/s. I don't know, this is a strange problem. Are you sure your ISP isn't throttling down your port? :|

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Maybe you're connected to 2 dial-up users, they won't ever reach your 20 kB/s. I don't know, this is a strange problem. Are you sure your ISP isn't throttling down your port? :|

I observed the uploads, and the peers i upload to change over time, of course. I don't think all of them are dial-up users.

Like i said before, Azureus doesn't have the same problem with the same settings. So i'm pretty sure it's not because of my ISP playing tricks on me. They even advertized with "no port-throttling" and so on.

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192 is an odd rate for uploads. Im assuming its kbits, which translates into 24KB/s. Raising your Upload slots should definitly work, something around 4-5 (Its not a workaround, Its how the protocol works, more upload slots means more people downloading from you at once, not everyone might be able to use your full upload speed with protocol overhead and such).

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192 is an odd rate for uploads. Im assuming its kbits, which translates into 24KB/s. Raising your Upload slots should definitly work, something around 4-5 (Its not a workaround, Its how the protocol works, more upload slots means more people downloading from you at once, not everyone might be able to use your full upload speed with protocol overhead and such).

Yes, those were kilobits, of course.

Telling me "that's how the protocol works" makes me wonder. Been using these settings like forever with Azureus and had no problem meeting my maximum upload. And there's no "increase UL-slots if UL<90%" setting there, as we all know.

So, basically, i got one question: is there a chance someone might take my problem serious and try it themselves, or will everyone (except 1c3d0g) keep telling me it's all my fault?

It'd be ok though. I'll just switch back to Azureus.



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1.3 uploads more than previous versions, but still can't fill my upload. With bittornado as I used previously, it took 4-5 torrents to get to my limit 900-950kbytes/s upload. No matter what I do it never goes above 700-750 with utorrent (Done a lot of testing: 5-25 open torrents, 100-unlimited global connections, 10-50 slots per torrent, additional slots if below 90% on and off)

perhaps make it even more agressive (or have an option to do so).

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Well, I know some other clients report pretty inaccurate speeds (like bitcomet showing 1.8MB/s for a 10mbit user, when 10mbit = max 1.22 MB/s), so is it possible that's what is happening?

Did you set an upload cap in µTorrent? Try setting that to your actual maximum and see if you get any notable difference (and use more slots or something, I don't know)

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I don't think so, bittornado seemes accurate, only client I tried that filled my pipe (azureus, ABC, bitcomet, mainline and shareaza all had the same problem).

I have it capped at my max speed already.

I'll jut have to continue experementing, utorrent is still the best.

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