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Speed goes UP and DOWN


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Hi there!~

I hope you can help me with this little issue I'm having. I just upgraded to utorrent 2 weeks ago (I was using ABC for the past 4 years) and I must say is much better.

But Im having some speed issues:

With some torrents, I have fabolous speed (at the max of my conection) but with others.. OMG it's really slow and those have like zillions of seed, and I don't know why is this @_@

it's really annoying to try to download a 20gig pack in a 17kb speed.

I know my ports are okay:

Welcome to the µTorrent Port Checker.

A test will be performed on your computer to check if the specified port is opened.

Checking port 32555 on 201.XXX.22.1XX...

OK! Port 32555 is open and accepting connections.

You will be able to receive incoming BitTorrent connections.

And my internet speed/router/computer too.

So I want to know, if this is something with my utorrent config or something else. Please help! Thanks in advance.

Here is a pic of the prob:


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Are your upload speeds being equally crippled, as they appear in the picture, or do you just have a rather low upload speed max in uTorrent?

Normally, if you're on torrents with more than 5 peers and you have parts of the torrent they don't, your upload speed should be rather close (within a KiloBYTE/sec or 2) of max.

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