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Overall UL:DL-Ratio


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I asked this question the other day and the story is, even though with other clients we got used to seeing this, µTorrent doesn't "report" this info and the powers that be are fine with that. The reason being, the information the other Bit Torrent apps report is not accurate and it wouldn't be accurate in µTorrent either so why bother?

We are instructed to click on the "peers" tab and look at the "Peer DL." column to get a handle on how things are moving.

I respect the efforts of the folks behind this, so I'll accept this. But even if it was only 50% accurate I'm still wishing it would be there. ;o) (kidding)

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aangen, from what I can see, you are thinking of the "swarm speed" feature in Azureus. Totally different.

The problem is that µTorrent does not record overall download and upload amounts (ie. since you set up the client) and I don't know what ludde's thoughts on including it are. It's been requested before, and I don't know what became of the discussion. I certainly would like it, and it's a simple feature - but without knowing how much has been downloaded and uploaded, there is no way to get an overall ratio.. :)

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He's asking for a Swarm Speed column (which b.t.w. has been asked lots of times, even I brought it up to Ludde many moons ago). But the total speed of the torrent is an approximation at best, and could be totally off at worst, so I'm not sure if it should be implemented... :/

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