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Vista x64 SP1 and uTorrent won't work for me.


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Okay. I apologize in advance if my post seems a bit..er..passionate, I am getting infuriated with this problem.

Alright so he's the deal, I just finished installing Vista x64 last night and today I wanted to do some torrenting (Yes, legal torrents.) I installed the latest utorrent client, and went to the speed guide to double check my ports were open. They "weren't" so I opened them on my router (I've never had to with XP) and disabled windows firewall. The ports are still "closed". Hm. I opened them everywhere, disabled windows firewall, added the ports and utorrent to the firewall exception list (even though its off). No matter what I do, I can't get my ports opened. My ISP does not limit BT traffic or P2P networks in anyway either. On xp x32 I can pull down 500KBps while uploading at 70KBps, on vista Its abysmal.

I can't figure it out at all. No matter what I do, ports remain closed. (And I haven't even delved into the nightmare of edited tcpip.sys yet for vista)

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Having your IP set via DHCP is almost definitely a problem with that router... Do set a static IP up for your computer outside of the router's DHCP range, as Linksys routers are known to ignore port forwarding for IPs within their DHCP range (forwarding to a dynamic IP isn't the most logical thing in the world, after all :P). After you set a static IP up, forward the port to the new IP.

If that doesn't help, do tell us what modem model you're using.

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Yes, it still has the 10 half-open connection limit (not concurrent -- that's not limited by anything but your network hardware's capabilities). You might want to consider lowering net.max_halfopen to 4 or 2. Increasing the TCPIP.sys limit isn't advisable (and isn't necessary for most users anyhow).

Running the Speed Guide is more-or-less all you need to do (alongside the net.max_halfopen thing).


How does a torrent from here run?

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