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Pause mode


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I am wondering if I may have misunderstood what is meant to happen when you right-click to put a download in the PAUSE mode.

What I thought it was for, was when you want to give all your bandwith to one (or more) downloads, and pause everything else, and that these paused downloads are then automatically resumed when the prioritised not paused downloads complete ? If that is not how it works, then that's how I think it should work.

However, downloads put in paused mode seem to just stop, until I manually change their status by right-click again. If that's all it does, how is it different from STOP mode ?

Thanks for your help!

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In paused mode, you stay connected to your peers/IPs. Once stopped, then everything starts from scratch (requesting IPs, exchanging IPs etc). You will most likely connect to different peers than before and the tracker statistics can be different ,too.

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