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Does seeding affect other internet activities ?

hussiba albert

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Hi everyone ! I'm a new user of utorrent, and here is my question which needs your help:

Does seeding remarkably affect other activities which only use the internet in downloading direction such as web browsing, downloading by other 'protocols' ( not bittorrent ), ...

The reason for my question is that when i seeding, i notice that i only utilize my internet connection's uploading capacity, and do not use its downloading capacity at all.

Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for your fast reply!

So it means that, with a given certain settings, no matter how i utilize utorrent, the influence of the program on other internet activities is always the same?

Even when my utorrent download speed is 500kB/s, or when it's just 0kB/s, there is no difference? It's quite strange to me!

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> in downloading direction such as web browsing

Even with web browsing, you still have to request the web pages from the remote server. So, there is still some "uploading" involved. If your upload rate is set at the absolute maximum, your web browsing will be much slower or sometimes impossible if µTorrent hogs up all the available upload amount. I think I read you only want µTorrent to use at maximum 80% of the upload rate, so that other programs can still be used without problems.

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