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Status Questions...


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Ok, I am completely confused with torrents and how they operate.

I have a firewall (Norton Internet Security 2005) which is disabled at this time.

I have uTorrent 1.3

I have a D-Link (DI-514) router port forwarding 1720

uTorrent's incoming port is 1720

My ISP is Telus (I have ADSL High Speed Internet)

right now I am dling a torrent file... please explain what this means and if I am able to do something about it.

UPnP(1720) OK

DHT: 242 peers

D: 0.0 kB/s (always like this.. or like 2 kB/s (how can I improve speeds?))

U: 0.0 kB/s

Tracker Status: offline (timed out)

I have never been able to get torrents to work my way. In a nutshell, how can I:

1. improve my speeds?

2. download this torrent?

3. get this system to work in my favour always?

Thanks... I appreciate it. I know I am a newbie at this torrent thing, so please be patient and explain everything in detail, if possible.



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