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uTorrent isn't remove the .!ut from the end of files after completion.


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Title pretty much says it all, when I change the filenames to remove the extension all of the files work flawlessly, and uTorrent is saying that the torrents are finished downloading. Never had this problem until just recently and it has happened on the majority of torrents I have downloaded recently. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

edit: Sorry for the grammatical mistake in the title, wasn't paying attention.

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In which case...

a) get HijackThis from trendsecure.com, run it, view the log, and post the contents here

B) get Process Explorer from sysinternals.com, run it, Ctrl+D (to show the lower DLL pane), select the µTorrent process from the list, Ctrl+S (and save the list somewhere you'll find easily -- like the Desktop), then post the contents of the saved process list in the .txt file here

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