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utorrent (SUDDENLY) slows internet to almost kill!


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this seems to happen after using utorrent for awhile(i mean i have used it for weeks(not 24/7 of course), can someone tell me how to fix this?

if i open utorrent is goes to a crawl even if i don´t download, and it doesn´t get fixed after sutind utorrent down i have to wait like 15 minutes!

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I registered just to say that the exact same thing happens in my case.

I've had uTorrent for about 8 months(switched from BitComet due to unsolved issues aswell)

Everything was perfect up until a week ago. The client started raping my internet(24/1mbit) and all the torrents in the client are in red color. NAT is fine, no firewall problems and absolutely NOTHING I could find that would look like a problem.

I'd really appreciate if we get some feedback on this 'cause I really don't wanna switch to another torrent client(which is the reason I post here).

Thank you.

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oh good to see that it´s not only me!

PS: i currently changed to azureus and that solved the internet problem, which means it´s utorrents fault, but iseems to be downloading good with utorrent even though internet don´t "work":(

i even tried to delete all utorrent settings and install it anew!

please try to fix this i don´t want to format and reinstall windows again!!!

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I am running into this same problem. I will will start a torrent from a private or public tracker and it will run just fine and at great speeds, but I am unable to browse the web. When i close uTorrent i am still unable to browse the web. It almost seems like it is blocking port 80 or something. The strangest thing is that this only started happening 2 days ago, and I have been using uTorrent for ages.

Currently the only solution is to reboot my computer, and then i can surf the web again with no problem.

I am going to check out the above solution, and see if it works...

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I'm having the EXACT same problem as tec and the rest. I have not made ANY changes to Vista at all the last few weeks, no new install, nothing. I've been using uTorrent for years and using uTorrent kills the internet since a number of days. In uTorrent itself it keeps the connection with some torrents at first, but eventually all will turn red although some keep connected to a few peers. In my browser (Firefox, but IE as well) I am not able to connect to anything, except for rare instances when after a minute or so a linkclick to another page of a website I was already on will go through. I have to quit uTorrent and after 10 or so minutes the connection comes back.

I too have reinstalled to no avail. I am using a router (Linksys), but it's been configured optimally for ages. Port is forwarded (I get the green V in uTorrent) and I have also configured it to be able to handle a ton of connections at the same time, because I had trouble with Google Maps killing my internet connection 6 months ago.

I've tried almost everything on the list and nothing helps. Maybe this being caused by an automatic Vista update or something?

Edit: I've just tried the latest build (been using 1.7.7 until now) and I have the same problem.

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Short Version:

I had the same problem. Went to an admin command prompt and typed:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable

to disable Vista auto-tuning and now my connection is working better than ever.

Detailed Version:

I created an account to chime in on this. I've been messing around with this on and off for the past twenty four hours or so. I am running Vista x64. I was using uTorrent just great, had settings kicked pretty high and generally pulled down around 400-500 kB/s. I had a hard drive problem and did a fresh install of Vista, got SP1 and while ordering replacement hard drive, I picked up a new NIC and router. Good additions to my gear, but they made troubleshooting this a bit more of an involved process (not too bad, just gave me something to bypass and something else to jerk out of my case).

My problem was that anytime my downloads got over around 200 or so, everything except my downloads would stop working. If I was in the middle of reading something, I would notice it first when my messenger kicked off. Otherwise, I would notice that IE and Firefox (tested with both) just quit loading anything at all. I could fix the problem simple enough by either closing uTorrent or setting it's max download rate to 200 and going about my business.

First thing I did was reset my settings to the speed guide recommended settings. Same problem. Bypassed router and plugged straight into modem. Same problem. Yanked the new NIC out and tried again with my integrated NIC, same problem. I checked Windows Firewall and everything was legit, and I figured I would disable whatever network options I didn't need. I unchecked Client for MS Networks, MS QoS Scheduler, and everything except good old TCP/IP on my network connection. I managed to get the speed up to around 250 after playing with it. This is a far cry from the 400 that I'm accustomed to, so at this point I hit the forums for ideas. I've read a couple of threads with problems kind of similar, but no good ideas other than to install the dual core optimizer if I was in XP. Tried Ultima's speed stuff; it's a good collection of information. I was getting the TCP error in eventvwr, but I've always gotten that, so wasn't too worried. After consulting Ultima's speed faq, I set my net.half_open to 2 and the error seldom comes up. (Either way, it doesn't interfere with my performance now that I've fixed my problem). Also in accordance with the speed guide, I disabled name lookup of peers, disabled DHT, (I already wasn't using PnP, and I don't care to mess with that tcpip.sys hack, and I was already using encryption), tried at various lower connections. Playing around with the numbers gave me varying results, but I could break 300 without problems (I did find a combination that let me run pretty stable at 300, but now that I am back to "normal speeds," I am glad that I did not settle for the easy solution and go to bed!).

To wrap this up, I found a working solution in what I considered a pretty unlikely place. The page about the tcpip.sys hack tells you how to disable Vista's autotuning function. I do not know if it will help anyone else, but it's pretty simple. Go to an admin command prompt [type cmd or command in the search box that comes up when you hit the windows orb thing (whatever they call it now... start menu), and you will see the command prompt icon under Programs; right click and choose 'Run as Administrator'] and then type:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable

Reboot. If you don't like the results after you reboot, go back to an admin prompt and type:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

to change it back (after your next reboot of course). But yeah, worth a try maybe. Worked great for me. [Not sure why I didn't need it before... Did MS tweak their tuning in a recent patch or anything???]

I did this, and now I can pull over 700 download with a solid torrent; more than I ever had before looking into this problem. I've got my new router and NIC hooked back up with no problems, and even the QoS features of the router seem to keep me streaming video smooth and what not while doing some heavy torrent downloading. I have also been able to turn my Windows networking functions without problems (I share the printer with the wife's laptop). I've reset my uTorrent settings to what I like and find gives me the best performance out. Right this second I'm pulling down 500 and having no problems with browsing the web too.

Maybe my detailed acccount will be of use to someone.


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I had the same problem and what I did to solve was following the instructions here:


I first started by disabling UPnP and NAT-PMP and it worked for about 2 minutes, after that I did the other things and now its working properly.

The only thing they dont say is why this is happening now..

Anyway, thanks all for your help.

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I found out what my problem was. It was the Event ID 4226 error, in other words Vista killed my connection because with uTorrent running my maximum number of connections was exceeded. I think the Vista SP1 update changed the maximum number of connections to a lower value or something, and that that's the reason it started happening. I can't exactly pinpoint when it started, but I only got SP1 about a week ago which is around the time I started noticing the dropouts. And it wasn't my router, as the same thing happened while plugged in directly to the modem. So I'm guessing this is why more people have this problem without making any changes themselves.

Anyway, anyone with Vista SP1 having the same troubles, just go here and download the Vista tcpip.sys and UAC Auto Patcher v2.0. Make sure you get v2, because this is the only one that works for Vista SP1. Simply follow instructions et voila. The only inconvience is that for now you have to press F8 every time Windows starts up and select "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" to make sure Vista bypasses the driver signature check. The patched tcpip.sys doesn't have the right signature yet. But this is a minor inconvience since it fixes the problem.

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Anyway, anyone with Vista SP1 having the same troubles, just go here and download the Vista tcpip.sys and UAC Auto Patcher v2.0. Make sure you get v2, because this is the only one that works for Vista SP1.

I'm sure this is a solution but it doesn't work on vista 64 sp1, which i have.

I tried but Vista didn't even want to boot anymore and i had to repair, does anybody know a solution for vista 64 sp1? , right know bittorrent is pretty useless.

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Try setting uTorrent's half open rate to only 1 or 2.

Disable DHT, UPnP, Resolve IPs, and Local Peer Discovery. They all make extra connections that may cause problems.

(Peer Exchange reuses existing peer/seed connections and is best left enabled.)

Lower global and per-torrent max connections to 100...and if that doesn't help go as low as 20.

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