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best settings


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in other words, what's your ISP's connection download max ? and what did you set your global max connections # and max # per download to ?

Can you try 3-4 concurrent DLs that reach your max and at the same time let 1-2 to only seeds , see if your max DL is being maintained per you ISP max, and does not drop ?

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no...no... just friendly questions... and to remind you, I'm head-hunting for candidates to test "my" new calc_overhead flag (with very unbalanced connection)... and you may be one of them ... but.. it's all voluntary, you know... ;)

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"Best settings" also depends on how you're using uTorrent.

If you're downloading torrents that are extremely unlikely to have more than 1 seed...and often don't even have that many...then you might ironically want HIGHER per-torrent connection max to cover the 1 torrent out of however many that you get that DOES have lots of peers+seeds.

Seeding quickly after downloading may mean you'll want to tweak upload slots and alternate upload speed a little...

If the torrents you're after typically download at over 1/2 max of your connection when downloading even 1 at a time, then there's little reason to allow more than 2 downloading torrents at once...but if not then you might want 3 or 4...but for 3 or 4 at once you'll need to reduce upload slots so EACH upload slot gets a minimum average upload speed. Basically nobody likes to download at less than 1 KB/sec, but it's all-too-easy to be doing that to each person you're uploading to if allowing multiple torrents downloading/seeding at once!

Max active torrents needs to be equal or at least 1 higher than max downloading torrents.

Global max connections likewise needs to be equal or higher than max connections per torrent.

These 2 things should be obvious, but are worth checking again after changing numbers around. :P

As you can see, absolute "best settings" depends on more than just raw speed!

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