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Slow Download Speed, but Ports Open


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I have recently switched to Comcast Cable and the download speed is awesome and much faster than my old ISP. The problem is that when I download anime on uTorrent it is very slow and it's always under 80 kb/sec and the upload speed is always higher than the download speed.

I did a speedtest on Speakeasy.net and here are the results.

Download Speed: 8357 kbps (1044.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 728 kbps (91 KB/sec transfer rate)

I read the guide on portforward.com and some of the sticky threads on here and it didn't help. Any ideas?

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Have you checked http://slackware.com/torrents/ Comcast seems to have switched to shaping connections as opposed to injecting packets. You may be in that sphere of control currently. Checking through http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992 may give you ideas. I must ask, what did you set your upload to? In the Speed Guide (Ctrl-G) where you can speedtest it has presets, which one are you on now?

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For your connection, the fastest value you should be using in Speed Guide (CTRL+G) is xx/768k...and xx/640k will probably work better.

Is uTorrent uploading as fast as you told it to (within 1-2 KB/sec of max) most of the time?

If not, then you may have more severe problems...

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Actually I think it's Comcast because all my friends who have Comcast have the same problem. Every time I am on the net it always disconnect and reconnect about very 10 minutes and sometimes I would have to wait about 15 minutes for it to reconnect again.

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Right, signs your modem is being overloaded... does lowering the amount of traffic/peers increase time between resets? It may be you need to replace the modem. Mine acted like that prior to replacement, immediately after swapping out with some ambit thing, it worked non-stop until we had a power outage 2 weeks later.

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I'm on ComCast, with a Router I bought back in 2001 using a Win 98SE box to run uTorrent and I don't have that problem. But by all rights, my computer or connection should be falling over pretty often...were I not using conservative settings (low max connections, low half open, etc...)

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