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Seeding Problem!


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Hey I'm trying to seed my torrents for the first time, and only one is seeding right, 8 are downloading - when im trying to seed them, and 4 say they're seeding, but they are not uploading.

Any Help?

I used the Pirate Bay tracker, and did everything right.

Heres what I'm dealing with


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What's that mean? I used utorrent to create the file. I simply selected the file I wanted to turn into a torrent file, click create & Save as and renamed the torrent file to whatever

I swear I did it right, I'm looking at the last torrent I and the location is correct, the file is there, Utorrent isn't detecting it though?

I uploaded all the torrents to mininova

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Don't link to copyrighted content.

When you load the torrent, you have to either point it towards the exact original file (if it's a single-file torrent), or the folder ABOVE the torrent data's folder (if it's a multi-file torrent).

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Alright, I fixed the problem. When I opened the torrent file I never selected where the original file was by clicking the [...] box.

Thanks for the help, but I have one more question.

I just downloaded the beta (1.8) and now all my files are seeding, but they won't all seed at the same time, and when one or more files start to seed, they will only work for a few minutes then it will stop, and another file will start seeding.

What I'm trying to say is that the rate doesn't stay constant, and at most I will have 3 torrents uploading at one time, then they will stop and another 3 will start up.

Heres a Pic:


And sorry about the link to copy-right material.

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That's the Queue in action. If you want the rate to stay more constant try checking <90% add more slots in Ctrl-P -> BitTorrent.. i mean "Bandwidth" :P you're using 1.8

If that still doesn't do it you can try increasing your active torrents in Queue... but that's not always a better idea because remember the more you have active the smaller your connection appears and the longer it takes to send out full pieces.

If you want to keep seeding some of those other torrents, you can keep them PAUSED so you can tell when peers are on it.. as you see most of those force-started torrents have no peers that can connect to you. This of course presumes you are indeed connectable from the outside which is still a stickler apparently.

Are you running a wireless or cellular card network? Or are you cable or fios? Do you have multiple devices between your computer and your ISP? Are the make/model of the modem and/or router listed on http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm

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Alright thanks for the info about the Queue. I'm pretty sure I'm connectable from the outside, I usually have good download speeds. I have done port forwarding, and the Utorrent Port Checker says that port 80 is open and accepting connections:


My Internet provider is Comcast, and I'm on a Fios line, I think. I tested my connection once and it said I was in the top 95% I think I had 20 mb download speed somehow and like 10 mb upload.. I'm connected through a Belkin wireless router, which is connected to the Comcast modem. I have tried following the portforwarding.com steps, but I always get lost on Static IP address. I managed to do it right once, but my computer crashed and I lost everything.

Thanks for the help.

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Ahhhhh!!! Belkin. OK, well that changes some things. But I think ... well actually, if you've got the red network status icon but you're connectable on port 80 that uT is just being silly :P

As for the type of internet... Comcast is a cable provider, so even though they may advertise something like "fiber network" you'd know if you were on fiber. Fiber optic cables are more symmetric (that is equal) upload to download. If you're on one of the beefier 15Mbit+ download speeds that means you're DOCSIS 2.0 and you're in one of the big metro areas :P I envy you. As far as settings in uT I think, for whatever your Ctrl-G setting... if you selected xx/5Mbit you should halve the settings there in Ctrl-P -> BitTorrent. Belkins aren't known for being able to handle alot of connections, especially if you're pulling all this over wifi. Are you always putting out at or near your set upload limit ... for 5Mbit it would be somewhere ~ 550

Did you check out portforward.com and see if your belkin model is listed there? If not a close model # may work... if not then see if you can screenshot some of the "advanced" or "virtual server" or "Port Forwarding" areas of the setup and someone should be able to help you tuo.

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If you're trying to forward ports... most routers don't allow you do manually do it for DHCP addresses, which is where NAT-PMP or UPnP come in. However if you're manually doing it you need to make sure 1) the IP is static according to the router and 2) you're using the same port

No problem with wired vs. wifi.. the main problem with wireless is you usually have to lower connections even more. So just the 1/2 of current I think should keep things chugging along for you... or even your current if the Belkin is one of the more robust models they made :D Just be advised the first thing to try when you notice occasional problems with locking up would be lowering connections.

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