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uTorrent Not Seperating Completed .dat File


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Just wondering if anyone can help me out with a torrent ive finished, but has not been seperated out, so i have a 1.6Gb dat file which i cant open, and it contains all of my seperate files.

any help would be great thanks

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Use a second uT (launch with /RECOVER appended), save to a different folder, connect to that client with the one you already have...or download it again from other peers.

You don't even need to search (but you should have) because http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=328513#p328513 explains basically what happened. You can't skip files and use compact allocation. That's why it was disabled in 1.8.

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thanks for the reply. the problem i am having now, is that i restored my old settings and resume files into appdata, and now it thinks i have 0% of the torrent complete, and even after force recheck, it still says i have 0%, so i have a 1.6Gb dat file that utorrent wont recognise

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i did, and i know i did, becuase when i forced the recheck, it got to about 20% which is where i skipped files up until, and then all of a sudden it hogged all my cpu, so i know it was having a hard time reading the dat file, but still turned out with 0%

oh well my fault

thanks for all your help

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... "hogging" the CPU is likely hash checking. You kind of shot yourself in the foot there :( When you tell uT to check, do you expect it to NOT take up CPU? It's really odd it wouldn't read the partfile.dat :/ Are you sure you didn't change directory location or torrent loading status?

Sorry to bear the bad news. Hopefully you'll avoid this in the future by either not skipping files with compact allocation on, turning off compact allocation, or using 1.8 :D which precludes the event from happening in the first place.

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