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need help please


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Hi! How are you all? Me struggling installing and make Webui work. I have installed Utorrent and then the .rar file and I put the zip file not unzip in the .dat file of Utorrent and then I wanted to use Webui in HTTPS, in a secure server, but when I did all what the Readme file said and I went to Utorrent in Options and preferences and advanced and webui I did choose Alternative listening port and then I wrote in the Restrict Access field, the host and then I installed Stunnel and then I went ot the Stunnel conf option and than I did what the Readme file said to eliminate all in the Service Level except the https and did eleminate the semi colon and all and changed it the webui and the accept is 443 and in connect I wrote the host of and Timeout close is at 0, and then I started the Stunnel and opened the Firefox Browser, I have the latest 2 series version not the 3 Beta and then I wrote in the address field the Https://

and it did not work, I did wrote my Client IP address with the :443/gui/ and it did not work, it says the page was reset or can not access page. Operation timeout. Then I use the Server IP address with the :443/gui/ it did the same thing, then I used the 8080 Port with the but it did not work it is saying the same message all the time, When you say https://ip:[stunnel accept port]/gui/ what do you mean by that, what IP, I did everything what you said, but with no avail, when arrived at that part, I am a little bit mixed up about the IP thing. What can I do so I can connect the the server and the port, what can I do the Firefox so it can connect the port and do I have to change the Port in the Alternative Listening Port to the same as what it is written in Stunnel which is 443, or is 8080 is alright, or do I used the radom port of the Utorrent software in the Preferences and connection area. I am all mixed up by all this, can anybody out there can help me please. I am pretty much a Newbie with Utorrent so I hope you will not laugh, I think you all been through that too.

Thanks and take care.

P.S. Sorry about the long question and post, I hope I am not breaking any rules. I tried my best to explain my problems. I would rather write a message saying that all is perfect and working great and be positive, but it is not the case. I use darkambient as a username, because I just Love Dark Ambient music.

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Hi! Thanks for your reply and trying to help me. I use the guide of the Readme file of Utorrent Webui, is it what you are talking about. I changed the what the Developer of Webui did say on the readme file of the .rar file. I used the Stunnel conf option the change lets say the parameters. THis is what I did. Guide of Stunel, what guide you are talking about. I know when I went to the binaries page of the download page of Stunnel, there were two option to choose from one without ASC and the one with Asc, DOWNLOADED THE ONE WITHOUT THE asc, i DO NOT KNOW IF IT IS THAT THE PROBLEM. I am sorry I did not want to scream, the cap lock stayed on, I really sorry about that. Can you help me please further. Thanks and take care.

Sorry it took me a long time to reply, because I had to rake the lawn in front and the sides of my house. Was a big job, I am living on a Main street and there is a lot of garbage and dust and sands and all what it pertains and with the Winter we had about seven feet of snow, well it goes with the territory.

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Hi! Thank you for your patience Jewelisheaven, I will try without https, it will be easier that way I hope. Thank you again for your kind help, it is very appreciated you can not believe. To Kentyman yes it is Wow! for the last Winter we just had, it was atrocious and a very very difficult Winter, I never passed the snow blower that often all my life, I am 40 years of age and this is the first time I am seeing a Winter just like that. Everyday we were waking up and it was snowing and blowing snow and the City who takes care of the roads had difficulties to keep up, they did not even know where to put all the snow and my snow bank in front of my house was high at the same level of the second level of my house which is about 25 feet. Could not find anyplace to put the snow and had to clean the sidewalk in front of the house also. So it was very hard on everyone of us living through this Winter. Thanks and take care and God be with you all.

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