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My IP address is on the bluetack IP filter list. Any workarounds?


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That explains your previous question..

The only thing I can think of is to get a different server. Any idea why it would be there? The company renting out other servers of different company's, like software companies or anti-P2P elements?

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Bluetack bans "FDC colo servers" whatever an FDC is. http://torrentfreak.com/understanding-copyright-enforcement-080514/ covers three instances of bluetack's ... ban-em-all approach

As for your question... depends what kind of content you expect to be purveying off said server. If it's BLAH, and users who like BLAH are likely to be using PG2 or bluetack's blocklist.. yup. If it's not and the expected audience knows wtfux they be doing, then no.. you won't notice much difference from your home connection.

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