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Connecting Error


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On the bottom of my uTorrent panel, it has a "!" in a triangle and says no incoming connections. Even though this message appears, the downloads are still going, although at a slow rate. It has never been this slow before. I am using uTorrent 1.8 Beta, but I think I am going to downgrade to a more stable edition. Any other tips or ideas for a remedy?

Edit: Downgrading didn't work.

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I don't know what modem I have. Time Warner Cable just gave me this unmarked black one. I don't use a router, the modem has more than one plug in for computers and gives off a wireless signal as well. I don't use a firewall, but I have AVG 8.0. It is strange because I was using torrents for a while before this happened and they always downloaded at great speeds.

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Follow http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992

The modem should be listed as your "Default Gateway" under start->run->cmd /k ipconfig

Go to that address in a web browser and you should login to the modem. If it has multiple ports it's a modem+router, you need to forward ports for your uT. Check out http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm for guides after you get some indication of what kind of modem/router combo you're dealing with.

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According to the guide, I have an NAT problem. This unfortunately didn't give an explanation as to solving the problem. I have come up with a theory as to why it started off working well and then stopped. Is it possible it was on a port that the router/modem wasn't blocking and then switched to a different one that was being blocked?

I know I have an ambit modem/router and that is it. No model number.

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Hmmm? It should definitely have a tag or something on it then. Login to the thing. My ambit modem came with FOUR stickers with the default info "make model firmware revision mac address creation date"... You have to login to it somehow to get the router/wireless stuff working.

Yes, your theory about port numbers sounds likely except, if you never forwarded one in the first place, it sounds false :/ Worst case scenario, use the manual that came with it... look up default user/pass combo, press and hold the reset button on the modem and login.

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On another forum, a friend told me that it is as simple as going into the modem and opening up a port for uTorrent to use. Any idea what the username or password might be.

Edit: I am braindead, it said it right under login. Now any idea how to open up a port?

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Well following the general guide steps... first find the port forwarding / virtual server section. Next, find out your LAN IP to forward to... start->run->cmd /k ipconfig. After that in the rule area if possible select "Both" to accomplish the rule in one go for TCP and UDP. If you don't have that option you should make two rules, unless you don't plan to use DHT.

Then put in the port you use in uT as input port, output port, and any variations thereof. Some routers use source/destination. After that, save settings, and reboot if need be. Then check your port again with Ctrl-G and you should be good to go. If not, be sure you have the right IP and PORT.

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