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After finish torrent, clean download folder of obsolote files.


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I use uTorrent a lot, specially with some kind of big size torrents ( +10 GBs ) with multiple paths and many files inside ( +5000 files ).

These torrents ( and their updates ) always requires to download over the same fixed folder, to avoid move these big amount of data from one place to another.

However, always inside this fixed download folder, obsolete data can accumulate over time, wasting valuable hd space.

uTorrent would manage easily this problem, enabling some options for check & clean ( or move ) the obsolete data into the folder, against the info contained into the .torrent file.

This task may can be done:

1. before the download start ,or

2. during a recheck procedure ,or

3. after the download finish.

uTorrent is the best !

Thanks !

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