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look, im downloading and my speed is incredibly slow!! 0-30kbs MAX and im suppose to have (by testmy.net) around 500kbps of download and.. sadly 46kbps of upload... but anyways... i possess an Acer Aspire T-180 (go check for full system info i dont know the entire info) heres what i know of my specs:

CPU: AMD 64 Athlon 2.41 Ghz

RAM: DDR2 667Mhz (1.2 gigabyte)

Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 6150SE NForce430 (634 Mb of memory, 32bit and 75Hz)

OS: Windows Vista Home Basic Service Pack 1 (6.0 Build 6000) 32 bit

Direct X version: Direct X 10

Page File is 2.2 Gb

so anywys as i was saying, my download is too slow WTH IS WRONG!!!


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I have done these steps... and i did meant kibps... still nothing

another thing... i have DLink DI-624 router and curiously i have a modem wich is called Speedtouch (by Thomsom the full name is speedouch 510) and the two of em are connected together or something.. )

NOTE: is NAT-PMP port mapping a good thing? (in Peferences-connections)

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UPnP and NAT-PMP are automated ways to port mapping BESIDES manually doing it. If you've not checked it out, portforward.com should get you sorted... What you SHOULD do is set the thompson if possible to BRIDGE mode, so you only have to forward the DLink. If you want to be sure you're not being blocked in between.

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