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How to disable data checking


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Hi, when my computer freezes and I have to reboot, it starts to check all torrents.

anyway to disable this, I have a very slow server which is very fanless and very economic but it has no CPU power. I want to disable this checking when I have to reboot or shutdown Utorrent so I can start downloading right away.

It downloads faster then it is checking and when nothing has changed with data it still wants to check ALL.

Help me im getting freaked out.

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You might think nothing changed, but (to put it bluntly) shit happens. Your downloads might get corrupted without you knowing, and you (as DWKnight mentioned) might get a corrupted download and end up uploading corrupt data, getting you banned from other clients in the process.

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Indeed. Konijntje, probeer kalm te blijven. Don't freak out. :) It's normal that when a PC crashes, certain tests and checks have to done to ensure that nothing has been corrupted. In this case, you'll have to find the cause of your server crash first (maybe it overheats?). :/

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