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Write Access rights for files while downloading


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I am a Shareaza developer. Please fix the bug for the files access. uTorrent grants writing rights for every file periodically. Even more, it grants full rights. And of course, it then complains about not abling to use them for own writing.

What does that mean?

1. Any application could modify the files which are in progress.

2. Not denying writing rights also means that other P2P applications which have the download folder included in their Libraries, could spread invalid hashes over non-BitTorrent networks, because they can not check if the file was already completed or not.

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Hm... and what does flushing buffer have to do with the access rights? ;). I had it on (and that was a default setting).

Btw, forgot to mention the 3rd consequence:

Allowing access to not completed files for Windows Explorer also should increase resource usage. For e.g. when Windows Explorer desparately tries to extract thumbnails :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, then I suppose, it's by design, although it's against a good programming practice. Anyway, I won't insist on the fixing this bug. It can be qualified as a security risk too. Are you responsible for that?

Just a scenario: someone launches a worm, to change bytes in incompleted files, your network becomes non-stable because of wasted drop outs of pieces which were modified.

And how about antivirus programs? They can open files at every second. And your app just will blame forever.

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It's a toggleable option... default since 1.4 (I think) has been ON... if you expect your users to also have used/be using uT put it in your help files somewhere "If you are getting file access errors and like to run uT simultaneously please go to Ctrl-P -> Adanced -> diskio.flush_files and change to FALSE"

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