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Slow internet after closing uTorrent - DDoS?


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I achieve good speeds in uTorrent. While it is open, I am unable to browse the web. Yes, I realize that it could be sucking up my bandwidth. The problem comes when I stop the torrents and close uTorrent (actually closing it, not just minimizing to the system tray). I am still unable to browse the web for quite a while after it is closed. Most pages time out. Restarting my computer does not help.

I believe I may have tracked down the problem, though. My router (Linksys WRT54GS) allows me to view a log of all incoming connection attempts. Immediately after closing uTorrent, there are too many to keep track of. Even after 20 minutes, there is still 2 or 3 attempts per second. I am finally able to browse at that point, so I think that agrees with the idea that the large number of connection attempts is killing my connection.

It's also worth noting that I'm sure that this is related to using torrents since all connection attempts are made to the forwarded port that I use.

So does anyone have any reasonable solutions to this?

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