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please some opinion on my settings...


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I'm trying to tweak some settings by testing with an openoffice download and normal downloads. Downloading openoffice torrents i managed to get an average of 650kB/s. Then I search for a test torrent file with alot of seeds and leeches (piratebay for example) and start to download but i get an average of around 35kB/s.

Please can somebody post an opionion about my settings:

- 1024kB/s down 128kB/s up (8mbit/1mbit)

-winxp sp1 (no need for tcpip.sys patch according to the patchfile)

-linksys wrt54g v3 hyperwrt +tofu11 (used as a switch)

-isa server 2000 sp2 (used as gateway to internet)

-port 32459 opened on isa (both tcp and udp)

-network options: UPnP enabled / global max up 90kB/s (70% of 1024) / global max down 819 kB/s (80% of 1024)

-torrent options: global max conn 1000 / max peers per torrent 500 / up slots per torrent 10 / max act torrent 8 / max act down 4 / scrape and dht enabled

- seeding priority: enabled limit up rate 5kB/s / disabled seeding tasks have higher ...

-advanced options: net_max_halfopen 100 / bt_connect_speed 100

-network OK

Most of above uTorrent settings i copied from messages on this forum. Can anyone suggests me which settings i can play with to tweak my download rates?

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the testtorrent i took for about an hour orso several time and top dl rate was not more then 40kB/s with an average of 35ish :( Maybe you can post some sort of test torrent where you have good dl rates so i can compare or something.

Also...in some posts i read you have to cap your upload rate and in other post it says dont bother in capping your upload. What is the best?

Also...the network status says ok but when i do nat check with the torrent(s) i just downloaded i get a fail...maybe this is the reason?

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Yes, you have to cap your upload to 70-80% of your actual maximum. You should lower the number of connections like I said. No need to actually cap your download.

Many torrents are just plain slow. Try this one as a test. If it goes slow, your ISP is throttling or you have some weird settings problem.


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Also...in some posts i read you have to cap your upload rate and in other post it says dont bother in capping your upload. What is the best?

I meant download not upload :P


I have take my isa server out so that my linksys is directly connected to the modem (ofcourse i've taken the necesary precautions and tested my firewall settings at grc.com). Following the guide on portforward.com for my linksys i've managed to eliminate the nat check error :D although i believe my isa server must be capable of this also.

Tested the torrent and now i got download speed of 'bout 790-800kB/s. Need to test some public torrents...

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