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Port Fowarding Help Please!!!!!


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Ok so first of all at the bottom of the torrent screen I get a yellow triangle saying "No Incoming Connections" and of course my downloads are going SUPER slow. So correct me if I am wrong but dont I need to port foward to get it to be green? But any ways I have been trying to port foward for ever!!! But I can never connect to my routers home page or configartion. Im on a labtop that is on a wireless router that I believe connets to a D-Link that goes to the internet. So do I try to get onto my wirless router or do I try to get onto my D-Link? And how Thanks SO Much in advance!

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Green means you get incoming connections... which you can't do unless you've got SOMETHING forwarded for your port.

You will want to go through the guides and read me... and check out the double NAT section of the uT Manual (or search the forum). General practice is to set the FiRST device to bridge mode (turn off all functions other than just connecting you to your ISP.

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