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Forum for total newbies?


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Hi all

I am totally new to using torrents, just downloaded the software and realised I need to read up a little more before jumping into it.

Can someone please give me the 101 on downloading torrentz and using µTorrent?

I have had a look at the µTorrent FAQ but this assumes some knowledge or experience of downloading torrents previoously. As I said, I have never done this before.

Thanks in advance


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Hm... 1c3d0g wrote a mini (more like mega ;P) guide that's geared toward helping newbies get better speeds. This can *sorta* be considered as a first-step tutorial, since newbies usually come to the forums after they find that they have slow speeds on their torrents. It, as you experienced above, isn't very hard to open a torrent with µTorrent and start downloading -- the real problems (for them) come when they desire greater speeds, and that's where this guide comes in =]

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