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DNS address in my new 'free' internet connected building


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Hello all,

I have just moved into a new building in Seattle that has comcast piped in free, which means I dont have access to the modem. While trying to set up my static IP and port forwarding per usual (and according to the portforward.com method) on my D-link DIR-655, I am finding a primarry DNS of and a secondary DNS of in the router status page. Of course, Vista will not accept a secondary with a value less than 1. So, at this point I am stumped.

The router and forwarding worked fine at my previous location when I had my own DSL modem on AT&T. I scoured the net looking for generic DNS address's for this area and tried a few, but to no avail. Still getting a red circle telling me connections are being blocked. Max rates of about 50 kbs with heavy fluctuations (used to get upwards of 250).

I am convinced it has to be the DNS addresses for the static IP. Am I screwed because I don't have my own modem? Is this a double NAT situation? Any help is appreciated...

Windows Vista Premium 32 bit

D-Link dir-655

Modem ? on Comcast Cable

UTorrent 1.7.7

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It's not the DNS unless you can't make tracker connections (primary only should work). Based on the DNS addresses though, it probably is a double NAT or more and you are screwed. If UPnP on the modem doesn't fix anything then you probably can't do much besides get your own service for BT or use some kind of VPN for BT service. Comcast also screws around with BT transfers.

To check for a double NAT, do what The_Nephilim said, if the address is in the range specified by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network then there is another router. You can try using the gateway address to connect to it, this may or may not let you forward as well.

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Yes, More than likely there is another Router in the Mix. Usually these kinds of setup's involve a router to distribute throughout the Building. If you are Double Natted you can try talking with the Buildidng Manager or Contact the Sys Admin to see if they can Help you.

If they can NOT you are probally going to have to get a new ISP.

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Thanks for the speedy replies. It looks like the WAN IP is, which sucks. UPnP did not solve the issue either. I have a CAT5 port out in the apartment, so I am gonna try and lure the network guy in to fix it and see what I can get out of him. Also, the building manager seems pretty cool, so I will see what she has to say (although I fear this will be over her head).

Once again, thank you for the help. If I do find a solution, I will post it in this thread in case someone else has this issue. Who knew that FREE INTERNET could be such a blessing and curse! Renter beware.....

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Good thought GTHK, but it just times out. I don't know if I am allowed to order my own service. Don't see why I couldn't if I went DSL through the phone jack. But again, already having internet service free, I was just using my cell for a phone and saving a few bucks. ARGH! So frustrating...

I might just have to be a bedtime downloader, set it and forget it till the morning. :rolleyes:

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