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Absolutly aweful speeds...


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Using Bell internet, Speedstream 6520 Router. Ports are open, firewall is off, anti-virus is off, windows firewall is deactivated. I use no other bandwidth consuming program while downloading (Minus firefox once in a while) and my speeds are: D: 49.5kB/s T: 102.2MB U: 23.3kB/s T: 95.3MB (Upload is 23 because its set that way in prefs.)

Results of speakeasy speed test below...

D: 1914 kbps (239.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

U: 318 kbps (39.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

I am curious why I get such a crappy speed when Utorrent is the only program using the bandwidth. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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