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Forwarding, and why I suck at it


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Im using a GT701-WG Modem and have a Broadband connection. My computer is in the modems wireless network. For some reason, my modem is not taking my forward. I put in the IP I found on my ipconfig/all thingy and followed all the steps on portforward, still my utorrent refuses to download and shows me the little yellow triangle. Can somebody please tell me what it is that I"m doing wrong.

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You could test with another computer on the same LAN to see if the firewall blocks port access to it...but unless you know how to do that already, I'd be hard-pressed to tell you how. Sharing a hard drive across the network might work though.

One of the first things that "successful" viruses do is knock out any running antivirus software...bonus points if they can make the AV software keep running but think nothing's wrong. :lol: Zero-day viruses (so-named because that's how long they've been out) aren't yet known by AV software and can at best be detected only through heuristic guesswork...and whether the virus is doing "known hostile" behavior. So yes, AV software isn't completely infallible. Sometimes, it's just plain junk...Norton falls into that category as does McAfee as well. Bloated junk that is so super-popular ...and somehow remains popular WAY out of proportion to their relative effectiveness.

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