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Windows XP SP3 TCPIP.sys (5.1.2600.5512) Patch?


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You're probably better off using high encryption settings for your ComCast cable connection and actually reducing settings well below the measured speeds you get in speed tests...since ComCast's SpeedBoost makes bogus results that are far faster than you can sustain.


Well, the problem is that when I am download a torrent, my web browser is VERY slow. I tried lowing the net.max_halfopen, but no luck. :( May you please tell me where I can get the patch? Thank you!


Follow the steps in the troubleshooting guide Switeck has in the signature...

Usually people put their upload too high for their connection. What are your current Ctrl-G settings? What speeds up and down does a speedtest report on your line?


I have my "Connection Type" set to "xx/2Mbit." I have the Blast! plan from Comcast, which is 16 megabits per second downloading speed and 2 megabits per second uploading speed. When I test my connection speed, it says my uploading speed is about 2.5 megabits per second. Just please tell me where I can get the patch. Trust me, I tried everything and nothing worked. :( If the patch does not work, I can simply restore my original TCPIP.sys file.


Are you sure you really have 2Mbit up? When you upload... are you putting out 180 KiBps?

I don't condone the patch... I won't help you find the patch. If you can't find it through searching, I don't know what to say. I still maintain your settings are likely higher than your connection will allow?

  • 1 month later...

You people crack me up!

The user just asked for a link to the patch and not your opinion on it's merits.

I will help you.

The same patcher for SP2 will work for SP3, and is still available from the same old web site. The site is located at the following URL:


I will not get involved in the debate on whether this patch 'works' or not. Try it out, see for yourself. The patch is obviously not approved by Microsoft. Obviously, back the file up ahead of time, as a precaution.

I hear from other posts that some people need to restart the computer in safe mode in order to apply to patch and that there doesn't appear to be a patch for the 64 bit versions of XP.


Microsoft undoes the patch about once a month MINIMUM.

But my guess is upload speed max is still set too high too...as ComCast's definition of "up to" really means short peak bursts rather than sustained. :(


You could (if you think you need the patch) write a batch script that uses GiPo@Utilities to CopyOnBoot the patched tcpip.sys over the old one and auto-run that script at startup

Or something like that.

Or disable windows updates. (there aren't that many for XP anymore, and if you have vista it's about time for an upgrade to xp anyway)


Well, it gets reset because the file gets updated. Not because MS just deliberately resets the half-open limit. So overwriting with the old file wouldn't be a great idea.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The patch does not (not allways anyway) work for XP Pro x64 btw

You can do it manually by searching for 0A000000 and going to the right location which is Not the same as on other versions (so don't do it blindly)

Then set the file to be Copied on Boot to overwrite the old tcpip.sys or some such trick

(but of course the 'patch' is not actually needed)

Just some info for x64 users who read this thread... (I'm sure their number will increase with time)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

[win xp pro sp3 english] tcpip.sys patch:

0004FB46 0A 00 00 00 -> 00 00 0A 00

50u15pec7a70r, I did just that manually with HexEdit:

modded TCPIP.sys at 4FB46x, from 0A 00 00 00 to 00 00 0A 00.

The machine won't start with the modded TCPIP.sys.

I had to start in safe mode to restore the old TCPIP.sys.

I'll try the XP SP3 Patcher from hwrms.com and report back.


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