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Error: No more files


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I got this status message when I do a force start or force re-check.

I leeched a torrent and the torrent completed 100% after that I did remove the torrent

not the data. I readded the torrent so I could keep on seeding the torrent.

That's when I had to do a force recheck/ force start.

All the files are all there in are still in the same dir.

I have done several force starts and rechecks.

any ideas?

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Searching for NO_MORE_FILES error code doesn't seem to provide any explanation other than... you're already trying to create a folder which exists already?

Does your Save As path on the General tab match the destination you see when you right click->open containing folder, OR where you expect it to be?

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Does your Save As path on the General tab match the destination you see when you right click->open containing folder, OR where you expect it to be?

yes it is.

I managed to "solved" the prob by doing: skip hash check.

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