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Funny behaviour


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I was recently quite amused by the behaviour of the download speed of my uTorerent client:


It's not bothering me, 'cos the torrent has actually very few seeds, so there's really nothing to complain about. I was just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this funny behaviour :D

It seems too regular to be random.. or am I seeing things that aren't there?

...a ghost in the machine? :P :p

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It's also a possible sign of ISP interference with BitTorrent traffic too.

...though (if that's the case) whether it's YOUR ISP or the ISP of the seed/peer you're downloading from, I can't tell from a graph. Was the seed/peer you were downloading from disconnecting and reconnecting every minute?

Also, your upload max seems a tiny fraction of your download speed...is this due to the quality of your line or you have to share the connection with someone else?

Regardless, if you're sharing really slowly you'll only receive appreciable download speeds from other peers in bursts from their optimistic upload slot.

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