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Downloading to NAS


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I'm using uTorrent as my sole torrents client (who wouldn't?!) and i have a rather esoteric issue.

My download folder (temp+final) is set to a NAS device (WD MyBookWorld 500gb) which is only 99% reliable. This leads to downloads failing due to momentary permissions issues and never resuming unless i manually tell them to.

The failures happen at a frequency of about twice a day, and five minutes after each "crash" it's safe to resume the torrents.

I would love the scheduler to have a "retry failed downloads after X minutes" feature.


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Previously requested... or at least mentioned.

Fault tolerance is handled by Windows I believe. uT just passes Windows the file handle(s) it wants... Retrying is certainly a wanted feature for those who use UNC.. but there are also issues with accessing .TORRENT files from UNC (also found via search).

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Thank you jewel, and sorry for not searching.

I assumed related posts will be for a complete re-haul, and all i need is just this particular feature...

If I'm smart enough to make a webui script to do this i'll share it:)

Getting a new NAS isn't really an option, thanks though.

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