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Increase Task / Queue slot if speed too low


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Hi, I had switched from Bitcomet.

I'd like to know is it possible to increase the task automatically if the up/download speed being too low constantly?

In Bitcomet, there is a minimal speed for a task. If it constantly remain below, a new task will be started, despite the number of task in queue is limited.

I've observed utorrent for a while, it does also increase task(?) but when tasks added are low speed or actually near 0 in traffic, it does not rotate to other tasks which will have more traffic.

Queue settings: totol active torrent: 2; max active download 1

I have a number of seeding tasks but got stucked by a few that does not have many users.

Is there other limiting factors?

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The default is that if the torrent is running below 1 kB/s, it is ignored and another torrent is started from the queue. This threshold is not configurable in 1.7.7. 1.8 lets you configure the threshold, in the advanced options.

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