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NAT problem, and I don't even have a router!


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Ok i've read all the stuff about NAT problems and opening your routers ports and the like but I don't have a router. I connect to the internet with a wired ADSL modem and i have Norton Internet Security 2003 and Norton Anti Virus 2003. I have allowed utorrent through the internet security and when i test my port on the internet it comes back open. I am completely at a loose end now, I dunno what to do next.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

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The Personal Firewall component of Norton Internet Security (NIS) has nothing to do with Norton AntiVirus (NAV). NAV is bundled with NIS and Norton SystemWorks but is also sold as a stand alone product. The port stealthing feature of Norton Personal Firewall is designed to make a computer appear invisible to port scan probes in order to "hide your computer from hackers" (quote from Symantec web site). Unfortunately this also hides it from incoming BitTorrent traffic, regardless of client, even though the incoming port is open. It was stated in the opening post of this thread that NIS was being used, therefore I strongly suspect that port stealthing is the cause of the problem because I experienced it on my own system, which is presently running NIS 2004. With stealth enabled BTFAQ's NatCheck will fail, but with it disabled it will pass for me.

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