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ISPs that throttle/interfere with BitTorrent


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TalkTalk and Carphone Warehouse Broadband Services (which they get their internet connection from) has been disrupting/throttling BitTorrent since at least late 2007.

MOST UK, Scotland, and Ireland ISPs disrupt/throttle BitTorrent on at least an irregular basis.

You have to do lots of research to find one that's not obnoxious about it and gives a decent monthly bandwidth cap...seeing as how all also seem to have monthly bandwidth caps now too. :(

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my download limit is 3kb/s max and im very frustrated as i have done everything suggested on Ultimas guide. here is what i can tell you

running on vista with a bt home hub and lastest version of utorrent

both my firewalls have utorrent as an exception (Mcafee and windows firewall)

in the speed guide i have the speed as 2mb ( real speed 4 - 6 mb) and also my ports are forwarded correctly.

(i used the link with the speed checker. portforwardings guide was very useful)

my settings in preferences are as follows Connection: enable UPnP port mapping

enable NAT - PNP port mapping

add firewall as an exception (these are all checked)

Bit torrent: all check boxes are checked apart from "limit local peer bandwidth

Protocol encryption enabled. "allow incoming legacy connection" checked

im only using torrents with a lot of seeders and on average i have beetween 10-20 seeders and around the same amount of peers or more. I thought that it might be my wireless but have the same problem when hard wired.

I have exhausted every avenue that i can see with my limited knowledge. Can anyone help me PLEASE!!!

PS my connection status is a green circle with a tick

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BT Central ADSL service in the UK does NOT provide its customers with lines faster than around 1 megabit/second UPLOAD max. Download is faster, but uTorrent is set based on UPLOAD max. Your upload may even be 256 kilobit/second (0.25 megabit/second!) which is only "good" for maybe 25-30 KiloBYTES/second upload speed in uTorrent on a good day in the middle of the night when few others are using the internet in your area. So try 2nd link in my signature...settings for 256 kilobit/second upload.

Disable: DHT, Local Peer Discovery, Resolve IPs (right-click in PEERS window of an active torrent.)

Set protocol encryption outgoing to FORCED. Try legacy (unencrypted) connections both checked and unchecked over a few hours each.

Your ISP is certain to HEAVILY CRIPPLE BitTorrent/uTorrent traffic between 4 PM and 2 AM. Hopefully outside of that you can at least get 25 KB/sec down and up.

Lastly, some torrents are just bad. Try another...even try the OpenOffice test links mentioned in the 1st link of my signature to see if your line's crippled ALL the time!

Decent enough proof that BT Central throttles:


"BT, for instance, recent became Ellacoya's single largest customer, using its gear to support more than 3 million broadband subscribers. ...whenever half the country decides to download an episode of Little Britain using P2P, BT uses QoS to make sure a fixed amount of bandwidth is always available to IPTV."

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HK PCCW Netvigator might also be starting to throttle. Up until the day before yesterday, I could download at least half of full rate (over 300KB/s) from a good torrent. All of a sudden I'm down to <20KB/s class (my DL is averaging maybe 10 right now). Of course, I'm talking torrents with seeds in at least the dozens and the peers in the hundreds and thousands, new torrents.

The possibilities are:

1) Coincidence.

2) Some cable broke in the Pacific (again) which slowed things down.

3) PCCW Netvigator is starting to punish me for excessive DLing by throttling me.

Yes, of course I've got encryption on (but not Forced and I'm still accepting "Legacy" connections). Can any other users of Netvigator confirm or refute?

UPDATE: Well, for awhile, I thought maybe it is some kind of general problem, but I've seen my other connections going at a 300KB/s clip, while my well-seeded torrents are tooling around at 100KB/s with large up and down dips (one of them, anyway, the other is going <10KB/s right now).

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK I have used utorrent every so often for about 3 years. I used to have Fios Internet and never had a problem downloading torrents. Now I moved and Time Warner (Road Runner) is the only high speed internet available. When I open utorrent to download something my internet speed slows to a crawl. That is not only the computer with utorrent on it but every computer on my network. Im talking like dial up speeds. Is this throttling?

I usually have to reboot my modem to get speeds back to normal. It really is annoying and has had me not wanting to use utorrent because it basically crashes my internet speeds. Any help would be appreciated as I am just beginning to try to fix this.

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TommyV, you probably aren't dealing with throttling issues.

That sounds more like something the 1st and 2nd links in my signature can fix.

Make another message thread in Speed Problems or Troubleshooting (your choice) to get help with that.

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  • 1 month later...

i know for an absolute fact that comcast is a monitoring ip! My brother has worked for them since the bought time-warner. On the other hand,my nephew (living in a different area covered by Comcast) got a letter from them stating that he had pirated a copy of 7 pounds, and if anything like that happened again, he would loose his service and information would be turned over to the FTC for copywrite infringement. After checking the connection outside the neighbor had run a splitter from his outside connection anand was stealing cable TV and was connected to his unsecured wireless connection as well. He inspected is line and discovered this. He took the splitter off and soldered the connection so it wouldn't happen again. Then he went out and bought a very expensive hi tech router and had Comcast come out to configure it. Expensive? yes but he said if he's going to get in trouble, it will be for something he has done. He also uses uTorrent, but he runs peer guardian + slap! on everything; not that he is doing any thing illegal, its just made him mad that what comes and goes is being monitored. The invasion of privacy thing. he has thousands of dollars invested in his network, and he's not putting up with it anymore.

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ComCast almost certainly passed on the warning letter/email from a 3rd party monitoring company. They're almost required to do so by law. Doesn't mean they're monitoring themselves. They are monitoring traffic types and are CAPABLE of monitoring content, as they do for spam/banner ad purposes, but will face serious legal issues if they do any identity theft beyond the data mining they already do for spam/banner ads.

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Heyall pple,am having same problem,i have been using o2 and d/load and u/load all work fine but in mi new house,i have AOL in england,torrents are too slow!!:rolleyes:the light is green and all the seeders are good number on torrent but the speeds are too low noneltheless.have tried to assign port to utorrent in firewall and allow it in firewall but nothing.help good pple on earth :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

my two cents....

i'd been a very happy subscriber of cox high speed internet (orange county) for roughly 6 years. in fact, i'd defend them because i was proud of having an isp which does not throttle or "prioritize" oversold bandwidth.


last november they introduced some garbage called "powerboost" which was essentially supposed to be a burst of bandwidth in either direction if needed. i never quite understood what would qualify as "needed" but at the time it wasn't bothering me and i'd been able to max out my upload and download steadily for the several years i'd been using utorrent. at the same time they announced the speedboost feature they also upgraded my speed tier by about 50%. i used to subscribe to 12/1 cable internet and it got bumped up to something like 20/1.5mb/s. this is when everything went downhill.

ever since november of last year it's been an absolute struggle to maintain any constant upload speed over 30kB/s. i know my torrents have good peer activity and there is no reason there should be any fluctuation in my speeds as i'm actually uploading alot of the content myself so i know that my line should be maxed out. i've stress tested my connection under every possible situation i could think of and it's always been a meager 20-30kB/s. im not sure what method they are using to throttle me but i am absolutely positive it's happening.

needless to say i'm very pissed off about it

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about download and upload speeds. i've just run a speed test (isp talktalk london area) 863 k/bits sec down, 163 up, down loading two well seeded files and speed settings on auto. i was looking at the upload and down load speeds and i was getting between 80 and 50 down and 90 up. i check the auto settings and that was at 90 up and 0 down and green light on my connection. i'm thinking it should be higher on the down loads, so i reduced the up load to 50k/bits a sec and bam! it went straight to 220 so i drop it to 20 k/ and the downloads shot up a gain. at present it runing at 300 k/bits a sec. could anyone explain this to me ? i've read several times on this site that you need a resonable upload to get a decent download. i seem to get better speeds when i lower my upload speeds!!

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Electric Plant Board , EPB , in Glasgow, ky throttles, even having trouble with my xbox 360 live connection trying to play games and watching netflix movies through the pc and especially through the 360.

My connection is for 1.5Mbs and I used to dl around 180kbs, now I get 30 for dl and around 10kbs for upload.

Had a headache of a time trying to find out the exact problem, even ran some online programs to check to see if my isp is throttling, all said my isp wasn't. i double checked port-forwarding, static and dhcp setups, nothing ever changed anything.

I especially had trouble with xbox live lately so I called to ask them about it. I told them sometimes me and my friend share files through various programs, personal family videos, camping, hunting, fishing, etc.. and lately we've been having trouble blah blah,,,,,,,,, then told them I had also been having trouble with my xbox 360 live connection and netflix and asked if they were throttling and told them I could understand a little throttling or else everyone would be dl'ing all the time,,,, overall their throttling did help to let both pc's dl and surf and the 360 to dl or view netflix smoothly ( I know, I can adjust these same things through my router but this way it was already done for me) 30kbs dl cap kept everything separate, independent and smooth, maybe i'ld like everything opened up so I could then tweak the router, but I've gotta say I'm content with the way things are, for the most part, alternative being, they turn off their throttling and either my programs interfere with my online matches, maybe router tweaks or not, or the other ~20 thousand customers' , just at this bottom point, p2p programs wreak havoc with my online gaming. I'm not a big gamer and I'm not a big downloader. I sometimes gotta wonder if the internet has given everyone OCD when it comes to dl'ing/collecting/hoarding. It would be nice if everyone would take a serious 2nd look at their dl lists and ask yourself if you're really even going to watch/play/listen to whatever file. At least try a sample or demo first, chances are the sample or demo lasts longer than your interest in the file.

Anyway, lol, gave a briefer than the above and slightly diff't reason for calling than the one above. I told them I was mostly concerned about my xbox 360 live connection and watching netflix movies on the 360 through xbox live and asked them if they were throttling, right away I was put on hold then talked to an older guy. He seemed pretty cool. I simpy asked if he was throttling and if there was any chance of xbox live getting throttled somehow. He admitted to throttling certain p2p programs,,,,( so there's something to start with),,,,, but that Xbox Live should not be affected and he said he would check on it. Briefly made small talk about trying another modem, bringing it in to get checked out blah blah and that was it.

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adiktlost, if you're having problems with Xbox 360 outside of peak evening hours AND you haven't been running any file sharing programs in the last 2 hours...they need to fix it or you need a different ISP.

ADSL lines don't have the same shared issues to any great degree that cable lines have. A couple 100 ADSL modems may be connected to the same DSLAM, but that DSLAM has 1 (or 10!) gbit/sec down and up link to the rest of the ISP! 100 Cable modems are likely sharing a SINGLE 38 megabit/sec download channel. HUGE difference!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even some of the ISPs that do throttle/disrupt BitTorrent may only do so in worst congested areas. The throttling could also be only during peak evening hours. Some/most of their service areas may be unaffected. "Minor" throttling might be very hard to detect too.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

With the latest utorrent (beta) the speed is not limited:

I've got 3MB/sec, with the previous versions (also beta!) I've got <<300KB/sec thank for my ISP.

I guess this only will work for some days after my ISP adapts. (Hungary U P C)

Please make it possible to change the version number (maybe user-agnet?) or whatever you changed between the 2 betas,

that makes it possible to the ISP to detect torrent programs, and limit their speeds (encryption doesn't work with my ISP!).


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  • 2 weeks later...

My Internet Speed Test

I'm a loyal user of uTorrent. It's a really sweet program. I'm a bit concerned, though, about my Internet connection, Rogers Express (Canada)

They have limited my internet to 60 GB -- and if I go over the limit, I will be penalized. I believe I have already gone over 17 GB.

Any tips on how I could reduce the internet usage, so Rogers won't give me a hard time, at the same time so I can download some TV Shows and Free Movies and Music?:huh:

I appreciate any helpful information.



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Find out if TekSavvy is available in your area.

As for reducing usage, use my conservative settings guide and limit the number of torrents you download and upload monthly.

Disabling DHT, Local Peer Discovery, and Resolve IPs in uTorrent may help a little as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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