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Slow download speeds...


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I'm still getting low download speeds while my upload speeds are most of the times higher with almost every (private or public) torrent I've used. One exception is testing with the OpenOffice torrent at which I get download speeds of about 750~790kB/s.

I've tried Ic3d0g's guide, Keloran's script and Firon's guide with no significant improvements using the stable version (1.3) and the latest beta version ( Even tried the 3 guide settings on Azureus stable version ( and beta version ( and still no significant improvements.

With significant improvements I mean that my average download speeds of 30~50kB/s will be higher than my upload speeds of 80~95kB/s and I'm always using 1 torrent at a time.

I don't have NAT errors according to NAT Check so what could possibly be wrong with my settings?

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Well...after testing for about an hour or 2 using your new settings I came to the conclusion that the upload cap of 60kB/s was the best (for this private torrent in particular).

My maximum upload rate is 128kB/s so according to your new list I must cap it at 92kB/s. This was not satisfactory because my download rate hovered between 30~50kB/s. With the 60kB/s it hovers at about 45~60kB/s. I'm glad with this setting because the download rate is almost always the same as the upload rate (they both go up and down at the same time) but it can always be better ;)

I'm going to test some more with your recommended settings and let you know about it. In the meantime...why does your recommended settings greatly differs from the others?

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