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No peers want what I have, how long should I leave it for seeding?


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I was able to dl 100% and I want to seed but there are no peers who are connecting so nothing is uploading. I appreciate there were some seeds out there that allowed me to get the file and I want to do the same I just don't know how long I should wait to see if anyone else wants what I have. I don't want to be a leech. Any ideas on how long I should leave it seeding?

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Thanks, it's currently sitting at 0 Bytes with 0 of 4 peers on, but I hope someone will want it. It's kind of an old torrent. I'll just leave it there and forget about it for awhile. This is my first torrent dl and I was so excited to get it there's just got to be someone else who wants it too even if it is old. :)

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