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UPnP with ZyXEL Prestige 660RU-T1


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I've got ZyXEL Prestige 660RU-T1 and UPnP feature doesn't work with µTorrent, but it works fine with eMule.

Here are some details:

When µTorrent sends request like this:

+ Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ Ipv4: Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 1119, Total IP Length = 552
+ Tcp: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=7386, DstPort=HTTP(80), Len=512, Seq=1669526555 - 1669527067, Ack=204578817, Win=65535 (scale factor not found)
- Http: Request, POST /UD/
+ Request:
- payload: HttpContentType = text/xml; charset="utf-8"
- XmlPayload:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
- <s:Body>
- <u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1">
- <NewRemoteHost>
- <NewExternalPort>
- <NewProtocol>

+ Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ Ipv4: Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 1120, Total IP Length = 315
+ Tcp: Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=7386, DstPort=HTTP(80), Len=275, Seq=1669527067 - 1669527342, Ack=204578817, Win=65535 (scale factor not found)
- Http: HTTP Payload
- payload: HttpContentType =
Body: wProtocol><NewInternalPort>17458</NewInternalPort><NewInternalClient></NewInternalClient><NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled><NewPortMappingDescription>utorrent</NewPortMappingDescription><NewLeaseDuration>0</NewLeaseDuration></u:AddPortMapping>
Body: </s:Body>
Body: </s:Envelope>

Router responses like that:

+ Ethernet: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ Ipv4: Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 22566, Total IP Length = 215
+ Tcp: Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=HTTP(80), DstPort=7386, Len=175, Seq=204578817 - 204578992, Ack=1669527342, Win=1024 (scale factor not found)
- Http: Response, HTTP/1.1, Status Code = 500
- Response:
ProtocolVersion: HTTP/1.1
StatusCode: 500, Internal server error
Reason: Internal Server Error
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 09:53:01 GMT
ContentType: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
ContentLength: 523
Server: RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0
HeaderEnd: CRLF

Any ideas?

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Ok, here what eMule posts to the router:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
<u:AddPortMapping xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1">
<NewPortMappingDescription>svchost ( 40645 UDP</NewPortMappingDescription>

The response:

Response, HTTP/1.1, Status Code = 200

ProtocolVersion: HTTP/1.1
StatusCode: 200, Ok
Reason: OK
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 10:27:23 GMT
ContentType: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
ContentLength: 344
Server: RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0
HeaderEnd: CRLF

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org /soap/encoding/">
<u:AddPortMappingResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1">

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