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UT 1.8 RSS cann't auto DL the content appointed by Filter.


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I found the problem doday, for give all the readers and developers a clear clue, here is the PIC and comments on every single step.

I wish it's my own problem instead of a real BUG of UT 1.8. If I messed some steps, plz guide me the accurate way.Thx!

Now here we go:

1.Setting the Feed



The Feed is correct, cuz it worked very well on UT 1.7, and I can see and open the torrents releaseed on UT 1.8 too. So don't give the Feed any suspicion.

Now, I checked the "Auto DL" option and clicked the OK button.

2.Setting the Filter



When u setup the Feed and checked the "Auto DL" on Step 1, the Filter is auto added by UT 1.8, and the default Filter is "*".

OK, now I change the "*" to *abc*, then I opened the RSS Feed window again, u'll see the PIC3.

Or, I don't change the "*" to *abc*, I just checked the "Don't start DL auto" on the RSS Downloader window, its result is the same, u'll see the PIC3 too.



OK, let me make a summarize.

In UT 1.7.7, there is a parameter "rss.matches" in the Advanced setting(Im sry I don't remember the exact name).

If u set it to true, then RSS will auto DL the torrents, and the torrents will auto DL by UT 1.7.

If u set it to false, then RSS will auto DL the torrents, but the torrents won't be auto DL by UT 1.7.

I found this option is very useful, cuz sometimes I just don't want the files DLed.

OK, Now, with UT 1.8, it seems if u changed the default filter "*" to any other filter like "abc", or u checked the "Don't DL auto" on RSS Downloader window, then the option "Don't DL auto" on RSS FEED window is checked.

And, if u change it to "Auto DL" on RSS FEED, there will be a new Filter on RSS Downloader window with the default filter "*".

The checed option "Auto DL' on RSS FEED window supposed to DL all the torrents filtered by ur RSS Filter.T

The unchecked option "Don't Auto DL' on RSS Downloader window supposed to DL the files with the torrents DLed by RSS.

I don't know whether I make it clear enough, and Im not sure whether it is a real BUG, but I just cann't get the RSS work .Im really expecting any professinal suggestions and help.

Thanks for any relpy!!!

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Like I said, the FEED is not a problem, Cuz all the FEEDs worked very well with UT 1.7 and I can see and open the torrents rlsed on the UT 1.8 FEEDs too.

The problem is the parameters of "auto DL" both on RSS FEED window and RSS Downloader window have the CONFLICT.

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The behavior is as such to support backward compatibility. The subscription box in "Add/Edit RSS Feed" merely corresponds with a subscription to a feed to download "*". If you go into RSS Downloader and have custom filters, those will still continue to function, but a feed is marked as subscribed only if there is a filter for that feed with "*" selected. The checkbox to not start automatically should not affect this, so we will make a change so a feed is marked subscribed even if that option is chosen.

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