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Forced re-check stops and will not resume or finish


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First of all I have searched the forum and didn't find a solution or even the problem I'm having described but if there is one I apologise in advance.

There was a file in the private tracker I'm a member of that I wanted but it was incomplete so I thought I'd find the file on another tracker and then update the unfinished file and so seed that as complete in the original tracker. Now the second file which was complete finished downloading and I close down uT as I've been told, to restart it again and re-check the incomplete file. However it won't finish the re-check, it says "starts re-check" and then immediately stops and then says "stopped". I'd really appreciate help with this, I do have the file I needed but I also want to help out "my" tracker. So any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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