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Port Forwording problems. Linksys WRT54G


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I'm getting a yellow and then red sign at the bottom of Utorrent that tells me that my port is not forwarded correctly. I clicked on the check port and read/followed all the instructions that www.portforward.com gave me for my router. And After I created my static ISP and retest the port it still tells me that my port does not appear to be open. Which I believe is affecting my speeds(very slow).

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The modem or whatever connected to your Linksys is also a router (assuming you did check it as I specified :P). Find out the exact make and model and look it up on portforward.com. If you have trouble, post the exact make and model of the modem-router, any pf instructions found, and in the Linksys status page the Linksys' gateway address.

When you set up the pf in the modem, use the Linksys address if it has you go by address, otherwise it probably has you go by device. Same port numbers as µT.

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Hey GTHK I don't know/can't find the type of router that is hooked up to my Linksys. I use Keyon for my internet provider and the actual Ethernet cable that comes from the antenna goes into a converter that gives power to the antenna and then to my router. I don't mean to be ignorant but this is the first time I tried to forward a port.:P I read the bridge mode guide and tried to change the connection from automatic DHCP to the PPPoE but when I do my internet stops working (I turned off the power and then back on after I lost the connection).

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The guide is my signature :P

Are you using a sat connection or something? Those usually can't be forwarded :( Try going to Start > Run > Type CMD /k ipconfig /all then find your connection and get the gateway address, use it like this format http://gatewaynumbershere. Ex.

If you get a router page, you may be able to forward (unless you get the Linksys one, in which case, bypass the Linksys), otherwise you'll need to talk to your ISP about either port forwarding or a public address if you want to be incoming connectible.

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My internet is wireless broadband. I have a receiver that picks up a signal from one of many antennas in my town (much like a cellphone tower) which gets me to their server in another city. When I type my gateway in the address bar it takes me to the Linksys. The Linksys router I have changed to what portforward said to change it and that didn't work. By bypassing the router do you mean not using it. If that's the case my gateway changes and when I type that address it takes me to a site called Canopy: Motorola Wireless Broadband Platform. It shows me my Ip address and my Home address...... FREAKY:l . The problem with this is that I can't log in to my platform because I don't have a password. What Password do they want?... The administrator?

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