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Utorrent 1.8 peers problem


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Build: 11813


No firewall installed and XP firewall turned off

cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping turned on

Port is forward and status green

ISP Comcast



Ever since i upgraded to 1.8 if i leave utorrent up for couple hours then when i start a new torrent only couple peers appear then download speed start off at a very low speed then go down each second until the torrent goes inactive..

Only way i could fix the problem is closing out utorrent and reopening it... Then everything goes back to normal...

Could it be comcast throttling my connection?

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ComCast might be...but it is equally likely caused by a local networking problem on your computer, router, or modem.

1st and 2nd link in my signature.

1st one is for troubleshooting, and tells you what information you'll need to give us if the problem isn't solved quickly.

2nd link gives suggested settings for uTorrent based on your max sustainable UPLOAD speed.

NOTE: Max sustainable UPLOAD speed is nowhere near max download speed for almost every internet connection in existence.

In looking at your Speed test screenshot, I'd say use the 900 kilobits/second upload settings.

Because ComCast is KNOWN to disrupt seeding,

Forced Encryption + disable legacy traffic is an absolute minimum to fight that...but by themselves will probably only help marginally.

You will probably also need to disable:

DHT, LPD, UPnP, and Resolve IPs.

Also test different half open limits, especially 0 and 1. There's no point in going higher than 8...as that level of activity is easier to spot.

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