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Auto Start Torrents With Only One File


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I suggest the addition of another option called something like "...Only for torrents with multiple files" to the Options...UI Settings..When Adding Torrents section under/related to the "Show a window that displays files inside the torrent" option. If enabled, single file torrents would start right away with the default options, and multi-file torrents would still pop up the options window before starting.

I think this is a good addition because I (and I suspect many other people as well) only use that screen to select which files to download out of a multi-file torrent, so single file torrents might as well start right away.


Not a good feature... because the add torrent window allows you to do other things, like choose a label and choose the location of the file (if you don't want to put it in the default location). Even if sometimes you don't use it you just need to press a button 1 more time...


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