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RSS Feed dl. auto Label


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In Utorrent v1.8 there is much improvement of RSS managing.

My favourites in the RSS Downloader menu already gets automatically a label.

It would be very handy when I click on a torrent in the RSS Feed it gets the label corresponding the Feed name e.g. STMusic rss feed wil get automaticcaly the label STMusic when I dl. one of these torrents.



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  • 5 months later...

I'm running 1.8.1 and it seems that once the Filter fires to download the torrent, the "Feed Name" in the Lable is replaced by whatever is specified for the "Label for New Torrents" field. If nothing is selected then blank replaces the existing label of Feed Name.

My feature request is to have a check box or some value that can be entered in the "New Label" field similar to %feed. With either option it would know to keep the RSS Feed name instead of just replacing it with blanks.

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  • 5 months later...

perhaps an option to not auto-label by feed name?

i honestly find it quite annoying that all RSS feed torrent are put in 7 different folder named after trackers.

unchecking "append the torrent's label" is no good either, since i use that *all* the time for manually downloaded torrents.

any workarounds?

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